Free Skateboard Lessons in all 50 States Starting in January will be offering free skateboarding lessons in the first week of January to skaters of all abilities.  This is part of a first-time effort to get more people involved in skateboarding.  From January 2nd to 9th, first-time skateboarders will have the opportunity to dust off their skateboards and join a lesson.

Go Skate Skateboard School will be offering these lessons at thousands of skateboard parks nationwide.  Some of these lessons will be 1-on-1 and others will be group lessons. is one of the largest skateboard schools in the country with over 5,000 certified instructors.  The company has been teaching nationwide since 2009.

Teenage Boy In Skateboard Park
Teenage Boy In Skateboard Park

In order to qualify for the free lessons, participants must be at least four years old.  A parent or legal guardian must sign for any participant under the age of 21.  Full pads and a helmet are required for the lessons.

Instructor availability and locations depend on the company schedule.  Upon sign up, a representative will be able to go over the scheduling options with you.

Go Skate is based out of San Diego but teaches at public skateboard parks and driveways throughout the country.

For more information about Free Skateboard Lesson week and other opportunities to learn skateboarding, check our or give them a call at 800-403-2405.

Hot Tubs and Saunas not for pregnant Women

Researchers at the Boston University School of medicine was interviewed and found out based on their statistics with the number of pregnant women that undergoes a heat exposure and the outcome of it.

Women relaxing in hot tubs or saunas early in their pregnancy may put their fetuses at a higher risk for birth defects,such as spina bifida. Spina bifida is a scientific name for the stage where is a developmental birth defect caused by the incomplete closure of the embryonic neural tube. Some vertebrae overlying the spinal cord are not fully formed and remain unfused and open. If the opening is large enough, this allows a portion of the spinal cord to protrude through the opening in the bones. There may or may not be a fluid-filled sac surrounding the spinal cord. Other spina bifida can be surgically closed after birth, but this does not restore normal function to the affected part of the spinal cord. Intrauterine surgery for spina bifida has also been performed and the safety and efficacy of this procedure is currently being investigated

They found out the risk of having an infant with a neutral tube defect a defect that is on the brain or the spinal cord was directly tied to the number of heat exposure.So for those women who experienced at least two heat exposures during the first six weeks of pregnancy were three and a half times more likely to have a baby with neutral tube defect.The risk was even seven and a half times with the three exposures. High fever is also a risk factor so we better make sure that pregnant women will have to be aware of the said relaxation type.

This article was written by Rob Dunfey,owner of, a nationwide skateboard lesson service that comes to your closest skate park. Available in all cities around and in all 50 states.

The vegetarian Advantage

Today more and more people are becoming vegetarians. They either become a lacto vegetarian which means that the food they will be eaten only has milk and eggs in addition to grains,legumes,fruits,nuts and vegetables.  Also there is the pure vegetarian that who eats food that or plants are origin without specific restrictions.

At least one research shows that when you become a vegetarian it will lower the risk of getting a heart disease.Also it helps reduce the risk as well of any kind of cancer. some of the vegetarians consume about twice as much as vitamin A and four times of vitamin C which is considered to be protective against the battle for one of the dangerous disease today that kills millions anywhere in the world which is cancer.

The fat that vegetarians have on their food is slightly lower on the ones that is not a vegetarian. When you eat fruits you have a simple sugar that you consume in your body. They also get more of the vegetable protein that which food contains calories.

Lacto vegetarian who eat minimal amount of junk food can expect to live for about eight years of those who are non-vegetarians as some research shows. Including in the diet is having exercise so that one can actually have a healthy lifestyle aside from just being a vegetarian.

Middle aged people who eat like meat daily in their diet have four times of heart attack than those who are vegetarians.So start young and eat healthy food and do not forget to exercise for only to have a slimmer body but also you get to have a healthy heart.

This article was written by Rob Dunfey,owner of, a nationwide skateboard lesson service that comes to your closest skate park. Available in all cities around and in all 50 states.

Skateboarding Tricks For Beginners

So you’re a beginner skateboarder. We all were once. Believe me, we know just how frustrating it is. That’s why with this tips it will to provide you with the best skateboarding tricks for beginners resource.

Are you a poor newbie who tries time and time again but can never seem to nail any tricks? You are probably sitting there watching other guys down at the park who make it look so easy, not helping your situation.

Maybe you are even too scared to visit your local park out of fear of looking silly in front of everyone who has already worked it out. Never fear, we have all been there! And that my friends is the entire purpose. We have recently put together a skateboarding tricks which will help you nut out those pesky tricks. You should definitely check it out.

The Ollie is a no-handed, aerial skateboarding trick, invented by Alan Ollie Gelfand in 1978, and refined by Rodney Mullen in 1982 to be performed on flat ground.

tips on doing skateboarding the easy way to do it is these steps.When performing a ollie both the skateboarder and board leap into the air, remaining in contact throughout the jump. It is not intuitively obvious how the liftoff is achieved, making the trick visually striking.

The Ollie is a fundamental trick in skateboarding. As so many other tricks depend on it for example the kickflip and heelflip the Ollie is often the first trick so to be learned by a new skateboarder. The Ollie typically takes considerable practice to learn. In skateboarding terminology, to ‘pop’ is to strike the tail of the skateboard against the ground, causing the board to
rise into the air nose-first.

The Ollie is executed when the skateboarder pushes down with their back foot to pop the skateboard up into the air, and immediately afterwards slides their front foot towards the nose of the skateboard, to level it out at the peak of their height. By jumping higher and pulling the feet up by curling the legs, the border can achieve greater clearance from the ground and How to Skateboard.
Ollie can be achieved without use of the pop, but this drastically reduces the height attainable. So never fear of trying and ask for help of your friends who are really good at doing these stuff.

This article was written by Rob Dunfey,owner of, a nationwide skateboard lesson service that comes to your closest skate park. Available in all cities around and in all 50 states.

Having a Picnic on a Backyard?

Having a picnic just within the backyard of the house is really fun and will able you to save money since you are not going to spend on a gasoline, having to pay bills that are way beyond your budget. This is the best way as well to bond with your family on weekdays,weekends and on special holidays that are intended to do with the family.

But we think that we are safe since we are just at our house well try to think it twice, yes we are sure that we know that the food that we serve are safe but its not totally safe.  So grilling outdoors is one of the simple delights we can do like the smell of the aroma of the barbeque that we grill in our backyard. When we prepare the food we have to make sure that its clean and grilled meat is a real treat for us.
So there is a certain things that we need to consider to enhance our barbecuing that will jeopardize our health.

Grilling is considered a low fat cooking method since while doing so, we can see that the fat will drip off and burn into te fire. And this results to smoke. But the smoke that comes out when we grill the food contains a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons that waft up and collect on the surface of the food.When this is eaten and this will lead to obtaining tumors.

Another is like grilling the meat longer can somehow have the possibilities of developing cancer risk since it will develop the heterocyclic aromatic amines so this is why when we put the meat to high pressure of fire and make it longer to be cooked this will have high source of the that will trigger the cellular mutations and have caused tumors in experimental settings.

Here are some tips that you can do to avoid this problem in the meat that you are grilling. SO suggestion says that to reduce the fat drippings by using fish of lean meat or poultry with the skin must be removed. You can use a low fat marinades to the meat that you are grilling for. Also to reduce the flare ups you must avoid piercing food you can use a tongs instead of using a fork to turn the meat. Cook food on a perforated sheet like in the foil to reduce the direct smoke exposure. You can also cut the longer hours that you are cooking the food so like partly of it you can bake,roast or even doing a microwave to the food. Get the food on one side of the grill by placing the coals away from the food. After doing so remove the charred portion from the cooked food.

You can also use vegetables and fruits in order to avoid the meat the you have to grill since these foods have lower fat that as of the meat that is oftenly the food use that we fondly make for our grilling food.

This article was written by Rob Dunfey,owner of, a nationwide skateboard lesson service that comes to your closest skate park. Available in all cities around and in all 50 states.


When we hear about a lycopene we just think that this is another antioxidant that we get from a fruit,a vegetable and a grapefruit. Well lycopene is the unsaturated carotenoid that gives the red color to tomato,watermelon and even a pink grapefruit.

This is an antioxidant that is proven to lower the risk of certain diseases including cancer and heart disease. Some research shows that the lycopene itself are absorbed by the body if these are processed for example like in ketchup,juice and sauce. You can have a lycopene that you can have in the body for example drinking it for like a tomato juice which is one source of lycopene.

The lycopene is deposited in the body like in the liver,lungs,colin,prostate gland and into our skin.Its concentration on the body tissue tends to be higher that all other carotenoids. Regular consumption of fruits and vegetables is recommended as part of a healthy living aside from doing an exercise.

Epidemiological study that high intake of lycopene containing fruits and vegetables will lower the risk of getting cancer.For example like the Italians love to eat pasta that has tomatoes in it for may be the sauce that they are using in their sauces that it decrease the risk of cancer in their track that is found in their intestines.

A regular consumption of the lycopene in the body can somehow increase the levels of lycopene in the body fo the blood tha it will decrease the level of prostate cancer amongst men since they are really prone to this leading cause of death to them. There is an ongoing study that lycopene can decrease the risk of muscular degenerative disease like the cervix,skin,serum liquid oxidation and some cancer of the lungs.

This article was written by Rob Dunfey,owner of, a nationwide skateboard lesson service that comes to your closest skate park. Available in all cities around and in all 50 states.

Food for Tooth

The toothbrush,toothpaste,dental floss and mouthwash provides the usual means of controlling the tooth decay or even prevent them from having one.

Several years ago experts have studied deep on the cause of tooth decay so they did an extensive study on the tooth decay on rats it to show or to find means on how to prevent it with the human tooth. They have discovered that the fluid movement with the dentinal tubules was greatly reduced when the animal ate a cariogenic diet that is a diet that is high in sugar that would produce cavities.

It is said that the existence of a hypothalamic-paratoid gland endocrine axis as a dentinal fluid transport stimulating system. This means that the hypothalamus at the base of the brain will send a message to the brain to form a hormone to the paratoid which is commonly known as the salivary gland a gland that produce our saliva. The parotoid gland in turn sends a message to the tooth that stimulates the fluid transport through dentinal tubules.

Upon the observation of the rats the first demonstrable alteration in the tooth before the dental carries occurs is a marked decrease int he fluid transport in the dentin. Rats on the noncariogenic diet had a normal fluid flow in the dentinal tubules,where rats that are on a than rats that is on cariogenic diet about half of the normal fluid flow.

Within the tooth defensive mechanism combats decay.the fluid that dentinal tubules is directly is directly related to that of the mechanism. Even with a diet that is high in sugar,decay can be controlled by stimulating the fluid transport system.So as a result of the study and some help of the dentist we can assure that we cannot have a cavity as long as we have the proper diet that we have to avoid the decays on our teeth even if you cannot brush your teeth or even use a dental floss.

So basically it somehow awakens as te the sugar clogs the system it also entails that the decay is controlled by more by a systematic defensive measure mechanism internally so basically this does not tell us that we should not brush our teeth,use mouthwash since we have he proper diet but more often than not the hygiene is the way we show to people because how we look also has an impact to our fellow.

This article was written by Rob Dunfey,owner of, a nationwide skateboard lesson service that comes to your closest skate park.  Available in all cities around and in all 50 states.

Dietary Traps

We all love to eat. In fact, this is how the family,friends and even lovers bond.The party is not complete with delicious food that we serve with our loved ones so we cooked it the best way we can in order for them to feel good and appreciate the they are loved and feel very important. But do we know the danger that it entails to us on what we serve to our loved ones.

Such abundance has helped lay the foundation for coronary artery disease like stroke,high blood pressure,diabetes,arthritis,obesity and several kinds of diseases that is a threat to what we eat everyday and leading cause of death to people.

These can help us sort out all those food that threatens our health. like the fat which is present in certain foods that we serve in our dining to our kids,family and all so when we take foot that has a lot of fats in it clogs the blood vessels that causes us of coronary artery disease and common to us is the stroke. The high fat diet causes us to be overweight,diabetes and certain risks of having cancer.On having refined foods we usually think that refinement was good because it got rid of useless roughphage. We have to know that food that is rich in fiber can help in protecting from certain cancers,stabilizing blood sugar,preventing gastrointestinal problems like gallstones, hemorrhoids and constipation and controlling the weight.

Another is sugar in a way that sugar are devoid of fiber and nutrients,refined sugars are empty or some say naked calories.But sugar’s caloric density they are well suited to promote obesity so we have to be very extra careful with our sugar intake. An opposite of sugar is the salt that if taken more than the average on heat we need is it can lead to high blood pressure heart failure and can affect our kidneys.

We think that when we eat protein we are good but then we must take it in moderation as well for a reason that these poultry products and meat are high in cholesterol and fat that if people will eat too much on these and if taken on lesser amount and controlling the intake of it can somehow improve our health and help us live longer.

And who does not seem to like drinking a cold beer or any beverage that we like to match that yummy treat . Well this is also one factor that we must pay attention to since drinking sodas,beer,coffee,tea and other sweet delights we have are all loaded with calories yet they lack fiber since this drinks are high in sugar content and will have us a problem for being overweight. Also, we love to eat snacks during office hours or even after hours to cope with the stress that we are having at work and this disrupts the digestion,bloating,burning pain and other stomach problems.

Having said all this precautions we tend to ask if there will be safe food for us to eat? of course there is. We have tons of varieties of food tha we can choose from different colors and shapes that we can taste and the sugar on this are no artificial they are naturally from the fruits that you eat.  No chemicals on it.  Including vegetables in our meal can help us and give us vitamins we need in our body grains also is another alternative for a healthy food to choose from we just have to realize that eating a variety of whole plant foods will furnish the fat,fiber,protein and nutrients in the body. The good news is that this kind of dietary lifestyle can delay and prevent onset of the most degenerative diseases and eating whole fiber can somehow promote optimum health and energy for a lifetime.

This article was written by Rob Dunfey,owner of, a nationwide skateboard lesson service that comes to your closest skate park. Available in all cities around and in all 50 states.

Diet for the Preschool Child

Parents who are most careful about the health of their babies tend to become neglectlful after the babyhood of the children.  These children need health care as much as we do for the for the babies. The preschool years which is about the age of six years and this period covers the period when many children’s diseases tends to manifest themselves. This is also the time when rapid physical
and mental growth.So be resistant to disease in later life, the child must be well nourished during this period.

At about the age of two years a child becomes more or less independent and will often express his or her likes and dislikes in an emphatic manner.  At this time the most important that the child not be allowed to drift into bad eating habits. bad eating habits result in malnutrition. As a child learns to eat wholesome food makes the best start in life.

Certain fundamental principles must be observed regarding the diet.An adequate diet must contain in its suitable amounts, tissue building materials known as protein,minerals,carbohydrates,fat and the necessary accessory substances known as vitamins.A child is carefully fed in accordance with his or her needs should be received everyday at least one food from each of the following food groups
like the protein that can be from a milk,egg and other vegetable for the energy food like the rice,oat meal and root crops and for the food that is rich in vitamins and minerals you can give them banana,apple,orange and other fruits and vegetables that you can find in your supermarket.

Try this simple menu that you can have kids eat during maybe breakfast you can do bread with butter,an oatmeal,boiled egg,milk and a fruits of their choice. And for lunch have them eat rice, soup,for the drink have them calmansi juice or freshly squeezed orange and a fruit again of their choice. For supper since kids will not use the energy and they will go to bed instead try the noodle soup,rice,steak maybe and before they will go for bedtime have them drink milk.

This article was written by Rob Dunfey,owner of, a nationwide skateboard lesson service that comes to your closest skate park. Available in all cities around and in all 50 states.

Pomegranates Could be a Treatment for Breast Cancer

Pomegranates juice could be the next estrogen responsive breast cancer .according to a new laboratory study that the juice has rich in antioxidants,that is a way of fighting off and preventing breast cancer.

More from the 755 of the breast cancer cases are fed by estrogen and there are over 400,00 of women dying annually around the world with this breast cancer. Some researchers for the Ohio University studies focus on the benefits of the pomegranates juice for fight against breast cancer. The team just recently discover that the red fruit that is filled with a juicy seeds naturally produces a chemical that is an ellagic acid,somehow tend to slow and even prevent the growth of cancer cells in breast tissue.

In the lab,the team studied the effects of 10 ellagitannin derived compounds that are produced by pomegranates, which are thought to be potential to fight against breast cancer cells and aromatase activity. Some experts are recommending the substitute pomegranates for prescribed medicines yet we may see the fruit being used for breast cancer treatment in the effort eventually. Many experts says that the fruit is very promising for the treatment of cancer so they are not close to the idea that this could be the next treatment for cancer.

More research on the individual components and individual of chemicals that is needed to understand the potential risks and benefits of the pomegranate juice or isolated compounds for a health benefit or a cancer prevention. For the meantime women may just want to add pomegranate to their daily diet az an extra ward off leading the form of a breast cancer that are common to women.

This article was written by Rob Dunfey,owner of, a nationwide skateboard lesson service that comes to your closest skate park. Available in all cities around and in all 50 state